Thursday, March 31, 2011

Copy Platform


To inspire compassion, to shock the world or to inform them. 


The awareness of the World Wildlife Fund and their determination to protect and fight for Rhinos.  So selling the WWF brand against rhino poaching. 


The youth aged between 16 and 25 who are most likely to be persuaded. The aim is to change their minds in order for them to have influence over their parents. They are of a high income group with the means to disposable income. They are changing with trends and leaving behind old cultural traditions. The main countries this is directed at are Korea, China South east Asia and Taiwan. 


WWF are in comparison to PETA and other animal right activists.    

About WWF

For more than 45 years, WWF has been protecting the future of nature. The world’s leading conservation organization, WWF works in 100 countries and is supported by 1.2 million members in the United States and close to 5 million globally. WWF's unique way of working combines global reach with a foundation in science, involves action at every level from local to global, and ensures the delivery of innovative solutions that meet the needs of both people and nature.

WWF's mission is the conservation of nature. Using the best available scientific knowledge and advancing that knowledge where we can, we work to preserve the diversity and abundance of life on Earth and the health of ecological systems by
  • protecting natural areas and wild populations of plants and animals, including endangered species;
  • promoting sustainable approaches to the use of renewable natural resources; and
  • promoting more efficient use of resources and energy and the maximum reduction of pollution. 
We are committed to reversing the degradation of our planet's natural environment and to building a future in which human needs are met in harmony with nature. We recognize the critical relevance of human numbers, poverty and consumption patterns to meeting these goals.
By 2020 WWF will conserve 19 of the world's most important natural places and significantly change global markets to protect the future of nature.


We seek to save a planet, a world of life. Reconciling the needs of human beings and the needs of others that share the Earth, we seek to practice conservation that is humane in the broadest sense. We seek to instill in people everywhere a discriminating, yet unabashed, reverence for nature and to balance that reverence with a profound belief in human possibilities. From the smallest community to the largest multinational organization, we seek to inspire others who can advance the cause of conservation.

We seek to be the voice for those creatures who have no voice. We speak for their future. We seek to apply the wealth of our talents, knowledge, and passion to making the world wealthier in life, in spirit, and in living wonder of nature.

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Sieving through the details !!

With masses of information and so many current stories swarming the headlines I am really shocked at how bad we have let Rhino Poaching get. Over the last 40 years illegal rhino slaughtering has eradicated 90% of the population. Amongst this in the last  3 years over 800 rhinos have been murdered in Zimbabwe, Kenya and South Africa. The demand for rhino horns may be black market but suddenly it has taken up a storm and is being supported by professionals with top equipment and a high cash flow. It is no longer a "back hand dodgy deal" performed below the belt by locals, now the booming market is supported by qualified vets with trackers and military men trained in the animal field as well as helicopters and all the necessary drugs. Through bribery and threats the traffickers and poachers are able to bypass game rangers and their new security systems.

These men get in and get out with no moral dilemma just the prize at the end, a huge pay check. Posing as museum representatives or African trophy collectors they slip through the cracks of customs and sell it on the black market in places like Taiwan, Korea, Chine, Middle East and South  East Asia.  On the other side to this China thought breeding Rhino's would solve the problem so they implemented breeding farms.  However trying to sort out the supply of these creatures has not changed the mind set behind an AFRICAN RHINO.
People don't want a "man made" rhino, instead they crave the chase in getting one from the wild in deep dark Africa. When looking at human psychology the demand for an African rhino can be based on having something rare and exotic. The desire, greed and obsession to have more.

China Is beginning to take over the economic world and instead of spending their money on random irrelevant things they have the compulsion to want more and prove themselves above the rest. If you have the money and the cultural belief behind you why not rob a rhino of its parts to supposedly cure a fever!!!!!

BUT surely there must be a certain amount of empathy and sorrow behind the idea of killing an innocent creature for JUST their horn. However they don't think about this and merely live with the now and the superstition  that the horns powder is a cure. With modern day technology and medicines why are places such as China and South East Asia living in the past through such beliefs when they have been proven to have no effect on humans?

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Background Information


A new week a new brief. This blog is for my specialization class where we have been challenged to decrease the demand on Rhino horns. The approach is to actually target those that believe the horn brings them certain fortunes and good health.The WWF( World Wildlife Fund) has tried and tried, aiding in weapons for security and money for high tech protection on the small rhino population today. However this is not working, so that is were I come in, through copy I am going to do an advertorial which is based on and presented in the form of an editorial and journalistic report.

So here goes.