Thursday, April 14, 2011

Creative Rationale

World Wildlife Fund Brief
Terri-Ann Sawyer


My concept for this brief is based around the saying, “Who died and made you God”. This initially came from the idea of Asia “playing God” through their actions upon the world. Therefore God relinquishes all his power to Asia, disgusted in their greed and arrogance as they dominate the world, consuming everything in their path without regard to the consequences. The link to the rhino’s is the tipping point for God who has stood aside and watch man destroy his creation.


My message: Join the World Wildlife Fund today and restore Asia to the path of righteousness. Help save the rhino from extinction.

Audience:  Consumers of rhino horn, therefore rich, power hungry Asian businessmen. As well as this I looked at persuading the general public to start a rumor in order to threaten those on top in Asia.

Print Advertorial:

Through the execution I wanted to portray that the rhino had to die in order for Asia to become God. The advertorial will be placed in the Times magazine where businessmen in Asia will see it. The image used is brutal and graphic to enhance the fact that Asia will stop at nothing to get what they want.

Radio Advertorial:

In the radio advert I wanted to initiate a live news reading of a breaking story that will capture the public worldwide. The newsreaders are American, because the World Wildlife Fund headquarters are in the US. The idea is that the Pope has closed down Catholic Churches around the world. Using a strong religious figure well known by many to get my message across. God has had enough, he is retiring because man just takes and takes, never stopping to think of the future or the brutality of their actions such as slaughtering rhino’s.

Television Advertorial:

In the Television advertorial I carried the same idea through as the radio. Using a live news channel to present the current situation. Again using the Pope to communicate my message of God giving up. Keeping it simple and informative at the same time. Ending the advertorial off with the WWF logo and an announcer. 

Final Print Advertorial



News intro song like (Sky or CNN.)

FVO: Today’s news with Jared McCarthy.

MOV: Thanks Tina, we just received breaking news, the Catholic church has closed its doors. The Pope announced in a public statement, “God has given up on mankind because of Asia’s slaughtering of God’s creatures.” Asia’s current eradication of the rhino for its horn is booming. However science has proven the rhino horn to have no effect on humans. The Pope stated, “Since Asia wants to play God, doing and slaughtering what they please, why not let them be God.”

The question now remains, will Asia continue to devour the world’s rhino population or will the masses fight back?

Announcer: Join the World Wildlife Fund today and restore Asia to the path of righteousness.  

Help save the rhino from extinction.


Screen swivels in the “BREAKING NEWS” backdrop. Then fades out.

The two news reporters at their desk.

Female news reporter in front of the Vatican amongst protestors.

Camera shot changes, taking the audience back to the studio and in front of the newsreaders.

Screen with the WWF logo on and all their contact information.

FVO: Today’s news with Jared McCarthy. 

MVO: Thank you Tina. This just in, the Catholic church has closed its doors.  The Pope announced, “God has relinquished all power to man”, permitting Asia to become the ruler of the universe. 
Now live to the Vatican with Wendy.

FOV2: Jared the current situation has spiraled out of control. In the Pope’s recent statement he proclaims, “The decision is based on Asia’s eradication of the rhino for its horn which is used in traditional medicine.” While God abandons humanity, Asia assumes their right to authority. Exploiting the population of rhino’s for a belief proven ineffective to man.

As you can see behind me, crowds are forming, rebelling against Asia’s extermination of the rhino’s. Back to you in the studio.

MVO:  With Asia as God, the world as we know it seems to be disintegrating, starting with the rhino’s. The question is, will the massacre continue, or will people fight back?

ANNCER: Join the World Wildlife Fund today and restore Asia to the path of righteousness.
Help save the rhino from extinction.
Intro song: Dramatic, drums, high paced theatrical Chinese song.

(Soft/background) chanting/yelling
of angry protesters.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

I died and you became god..But look at the protest you are causing

With the amount of rhino deaths due to their poaching God has turned his back!!

Now with no one to turn God on your side you have to stand up and fight for what you believe in. Do not conform to the belief that the rhino horn will cure you. Do not be part of the rest of the top business crowd in Asia. Rhino horns have no effect on man. And as long you continue to kill them for their horn this world shall be punished!! Cursed and plagued by natures revenge. So stop and think before buying into the thriving black market and make the right choice.
JOIN the World Wildlife Fund today and stop rhino poaching!

Second draft: Who died and made you God".

The Advertorial layout.

In the either the Times magazine, the Economist, the Daily News or the Business Times. Have to be available in China and expose the type of current affairs and news.

First draft: "Who died and made you god".

Ideas for the advertorial layouts.

From Rhino

These are mock ups of the possible layout for the advertorial. 

Friday, April 8, 2011

From a Rhino's Perspective

This concept is based around looking at this brief from the Rhino's perspective. Getting into the whole action of how the Rhino experiences the attack and making you feel the same thing. As well as letting you know how it feels if it happened to you. Or just an angry rhino expressing their hatred and pure vengeance towards the rich, arrogant chinese businessmen.  

MAN/China is GOD!!!

These are the few selected advertorials that I started with. After consulting I am going to continue with this concept but make the concept more about GOD being a metaphor, and being more sarcastic in how god gave up on man and made china in charge and look what they are doing. I found that the copy that I have written was not blunt enough or directly aimed at my target audience ( Chinese businessmen). 

Thursday, April 7, 2011

"HI my name is Rhino and I have feelings"

Ever stop to think that when you eat DOG, SHARK FIN, AND RHINO that they indeed have feelings.. I cant fight for them all out there and there are so many things that I do not agree with which are protected by the idea of cultural preferences but what makes it any different from that yummy roast chicken on your table or the sushi..Is it because those are farmed and the rhino are still wild exotic beasts from Africa... The rhino is on its way to extinction and its time to hear what they have to say about this... From the watering hole to the deep thorn shrubs that their skin protects them from the Rhino's are speaking up and telling the world what they think.

MAN vs BEAST...fight for survival

Even before christ man was hunting and killing animals for everything they had. Now we simply kill a animals for old traditions in medicine. This has not changed even though the times are changing. Why kill a Rhino for the belief that it cures you when science has proven other wise. Men and women are at their peek and I speak for myself. We control everything, nothing slips through our fingers unaffected by us. As a race we are so destructive yet we have also gone the extent to modifying what "god" or evolution gave us. Building islands in Dubai, pyramids in Egypt, genetically modifying DNA to create sheep so we can CONSUME or the most controversial of them all CREATING a BABY from male and female DNA!!!!  WE have become ARROGANT and SELFISH yet  magnificent... such advances were never thought possible but whats the limit????

PREP work and ideas

Wednesday, April 6, 2011


Black Rhinos are classified as having an overlap promiscuity mating system. These mating systems are characterized by a lack of bond between male and female outside of mating. This mating system is optimal for the male because the male provides no care for the young and can mate with multiple females. This system is generally disadvantageous for the female because the she receives no help from the male in caring for the young. However, this system is accepted by the Black Rhino females because the female is able to provide protection for her young and gather food resources by herself.
Reproductive Cycles
Females are usually able to reproduce for the first time between the ages of 3.5 to 5 years, but sometimes are found not to reproduce until much older, at age ten (Hitchins and Andersen, 1983). Though there is no clear seasonality to reproduction, some studies have shown higher birth rates at periods during the summer and winter, when water and food resources are more abundant (Eloff, 1971). A female is in estrus for approximately 7 days, during which time she will be courted by a male. Copulation occurs on the last day of the estrus cycle, and mating lasts for one day, suggesting that receptivity occurs for only 1 day. The estrus cycles occur every 21 days Hitchins and Andersen, 1983).
On the first day of the female's estrus, the male will begin to court the female. Courtship behavior includes urine spraying, cocking of the tail by the female, making Lehman, forceful dung scraping, and following of the female by the male. Urine spraying is a behavior in which the female delivers a backwards, horizontal spray of urine over a dung pile or bush while she is in estrus. Urine spraying is used to attract a male, and is often done at communal watering holes. Males will often spray over a female's urine spray in order to prevent attraction of male competitors. Tail cocking involves lifting the tail at an angle to signal for mating. These female courtship behaviors are important in insuring reproduction, since males are often very spread out. Making Lehman is a behavior in which a male sniffs a females genitalia or urine marking, by making a characteristic gesture to expose an organ receptive to pheromones. Following behavior of the male occurs can occur for long distances as the male attempts to have the female accept copulation. During the following the males and females can either interact peacefully or may exhibit "bluff and bluster" behavior,in which the Rhinos snort and shake their head vigorously. The male and female may also butt head and horns gently during courtship (San Diego Zoo, 2003). Though males and females only interact during mating, males will defend females during the female's estrus. Males will also fight over a female in estrus for copulation with the female. Males generally leave the female after copulation, though will sometimes stay for several days to ensure paternity (San Diego Zoo, 2003). 
Mate Choice
Since males require very little investment in reproduction (besides time required for courtship), male Black Rhinos are not very selective, and will attempt to mate with any female when she is receptive. However, if given the choice, males will choose younger females, as they are more likely to be fertile. Females will choose the most dominant male that attempts to court her. This strategy ensures her the best genes for her offspring.
Gestation periods for the Black Rhino range from 15-18 months, with one Rhino per litter. Rhino young will stay with their mother for 2.5 -3 years, in which time the young rhino is usually replaced by a another baby. The mother provides defense and nutrition to the young Rhino, who lack the size and horn development to defend themselves. Rhinos babies can be hunted by lions and hyenas. Females reach sexual maturity at 3.5 - 5 years, whereas males are mature around 6 years. Black Rhinos reach full growth around age 10. Black Rhinos can live up to 40 years in the wild. Drought and predation are the leading causes of mortality in the Black Rhino. The main predator of Black Rhinos is humans, though lions will occasionally attack a Rhino (San Diego Zoo, 2003).


  1. Let's play GOD!
  2. My pet RHINO!
  3. From a Rhinos PERSPECTIVE!

PS. "I HATE YOU" - rhino




I'm sure you already know that Asians have a reputation/penchant for so-called "exotic" foods. There's no difference in the human obsession with food, whatever their race or nationality. It just seems funny to me that the highlight is skewed on Asian eating when every country where this sort of thing goes on, whether it is dogs, cats, geese, or cows and calves that suffer the brutality, should be censured.

Chinese gastronomical philosophy. The Chinese, and to a very large extent, the east Asian cultures of Japan, Korea too, have very elaborate systems and schools of thought about food. They are also very proud of their gastro-cultural heritage.

East Asians believe in the therapeutic values of certain foods, for the Chinese especially. Have a whole thing about nourishment according to shape/similarity in function of a specific part. EG rhino horn, tiger penis, deer penis for aphrodisiacs, pig brains for boosting brain power, bear bile for fever, etc. There is also a culture of appreciation for "fine/exotic  food" - sharksfin, abalone, live monkey brain, live bear paws. In addition, there is another, yes, another, thing about eating food according to seasons. For the Chinese, "cooling food" like fruits or maybe cold meat dishes, deer antler shavings in summer, and "warming food" in winter, like dogmeat, wildgame etc.

In particular, the Cantonese dialect group - the province of Guangdong/Canton, next to Hong Kong - who are the emperors of Chinese gastro-culture, the ones with their heads in gastronomical "heaven", which means bleeding hell for animals, is the most fervent about food. (Guangdong is also where most of the exotic food culture exists, and extends out from there to other parts of China. This is also where most of the videos of the dog and cat meat markets are shot.)

Of course, this gastro-culture has been condemned worldwide. To date, it still goes on. It has also led to and encouraged poaching of exotics - tigers, leopards, bears, rhinos, sharks. If it's something edible, you can bet that someone in China, Taiwan, Hong Kong, and maybe even Japan, and Korea will pay for it. In addition, don't forget that the Chinese have a presence in almost every other country as immigrants. The extent of the damage of this gastroculture, is, imho, nightmarish.


In 2003, SARS started from Guangdong, spread to Hong Kong, and was carried into Singapore by a stewardess. The cause in Guangdong was believed to be the Cantonese penchant for wild game, and it was narrowed down to civet cats. Thus began an extermination drive of civet cats already in the market place - inhumane methods like boiling, electrocution, drowning in chemicals (some live drowning footage was shown on the local news so this is not hearsay)... civet cat meat was banned, and so was exotic meat trapping, and the exotic meat markets quietened down considerably... but that lasted about as long as a droplet of sneeze stays airborne. By late 2003, the meat markets were back in full blossom. And in Singapore, the government jumped at the mere mention of a possibility of SARS transmission by cats, and ordered an end to our national TnRM programme, which was just barely 5 yrs old, and began culling cats in earnest. That year, the official stray culling bill was SGD$600,000, SGD$100,000 more than the yearly average. Like many cat-caregivers, my sister and I lost a few cats we cared for, all on the whim of a fear.

Singapore is as bad, if not worse than the rest of Asia: (1) we are the largest trade center for sharksfin (2) as a trading hub, smuggling and the illegal wildlife trade has a big presence here too, (though not as rampant as Thailand) - there has been cases of raids and consfication of illegally smuggled animals for export or sales/consumption locally (3) and ive-monkey brain in Hong Kong just last year (4) This year, there was a newspaper feature about a local man who has set up a hunting club and there was even a link to his site where he displayed the trophy photos of him and his cohorts on hunting trips to Africa - he makes a living organising these murder sprees too (5) Our anti-animal smuggling/illegal trade laws are too lenient - punishment is for per/species, and no sentence has ever even come close to the max punishment of a max fine of SGD$10,000 and jail term of 1 yr. NEVER. 

Further afield, another one of my pet rant is the whale-hunting sham of the Japanese. One strange thing about the Japanese and eating whales is that whales were not a traditional part of the Japanese gastro-culture. Apparently, whale meat became popular in Japan after the economic collapse casued by WWII. Their defense of their right to eat whale as tradition, is in short, a load of bull. The Koreans too, have a thing for whale meat, whether this is influenced by the Japanese, who ruled them as a colony until early the 1900s, I'm not sure.

Back to your question about why cats and dogs for Asians. With cats, East Asians, apart from the Japanese I believe, did not have as cosy a relationship like Europeans and Americans have, ie they were not popular as pets until recent history. Incidentally, there is also a very common misconception that Malays are great cat lovers, but that's another, much more sensitive topic. As for dogs... well... traditionally they are viewed more as working animals, property like any other object, or livestock.

Actually you know what? Whether cats, dogs, geese or other animals, I think it boils down to what I believed is called the human disconnect mentality. Like our attitude towards factory farming - we know it is morally wrong to treat animals the way they've been, especially cows, pigs, goats, chickens ducks, and other everyday food animals. But it still goes on - because we allow it to. And we can allow it go on, because we're disconnected from the reality of the factoryfarm and the assembly process slaughter-houses.

And speaking of exotic food, how about bushmeat... Africans eat gorillas, and other primates. In Asia too the same is happening to the Orang Utans, the only great ape to be found in Asia. The Malaysians, and Indonesian kill Orangutans, eat them, sell their babies, in addition to destroying their habitat - like Gorillas, orang utans are not expected to survive long unless things change - the orangs have only another 5, maybe 10 years in the best of scenarios.

To be fair, and I am saying this objectively, there are also many people who do not eat meat at all - vegetarianism is a big part of being devout Buddhists and Taoists (except Japan where I understand the concept of total meat abstinence does not exist). There are others who are against the cruelties in Asia on moral grounds, though the number is small.

“Top leaders in China want to appear more civilized to outsiders.” They are well aware that most westerners believe eating a dog, man's best friend, is barbaric. As a result, a country that condones this type of practice also falls under the same category. By banning markets that sell dogs (and cats), they may get more respect in the political arena. However, locals have varying opinions.
Naturally, sellers of this delicacy believe it is right. They even separate the treatment of domesticated dogs and ones raised for food in their minds. Others think this custom is disgusting.
From a western standpoint, the hope is that the eating of dog meat will end and soon. Yet, from a cultural one, the idea of a people changing a tradition to suit outsiders is questionable. What should China do?


Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Since he was the last to be different he deserves to keep it!!

Long ago the Rhinoceros didn't have a horn. Just a long, gray head.
Now the Rhinoceros wanted to be different. He thought of every thing. A mane, but the lion and horse already had that. Speed, but the Cheetah had that. Everything he thought of someone already had it.
One day the Rhinoceros was walking across the beach, when he saw a shell, shaped like a horn. He said "This is a very nice shell, I will keep it."
The next day the Rhinoceros gathered all his friends to decide what the Rhinoceros should have to make him different.
Suddenly the Platypus started shouting "A flat tail, a flat tail."
"But you have that" said the Cheetah
"Oh" the Platypus exclaimed.
Just then the Platypus's tail got caught on the shell and flicked it onto the Rhinoceros's head. The animals pulled and pulled to get it off, but the more they pulled the more it got stuck. The Rhino thought and said "stop, this will make me look different."
The animals all looked back. He was right it did look different.
So from then on the Rhinoceros raises its head proudly, and says "look at my horn, you will never see anything like it again."
The end


Saturday, April 2, 2011


Lets play “god”.

Even though we are aware of our own destruction on the planet we still continue. But we do pay for it; we pay permits to pollute and then buy peoples permits so we can pollute some more. We have legislations and rules to stick by for when and where we can kill off animals and sea creatures and suddenly when there’s an overpopulation its too expensive to move the 200 elephants so lets kill them all. Who gave us that right to play god and do what ever we want when it comes to animals. Yes there are the big sponsors doing the right thing and backing animal rights activists but sadly in most cases their background is a huge company taking down half of the Amazon. We are greedy and self-possessive wanting everything in sight. More land, more money, more power. The question is WHY? Why do we exploit our status in the food chain? Always demanding and receiving everything, it actually sickens me to think that one-day it’s all going to run out. Face it fuel prices are rocketing wars are accumulating and resources are plummeting. Relating it back to the rhino it is exactly the same. The fetish and craze for the horn has gotten out of control and all people can think of is the “now”. In maybe 5 years there may not be any rhino’s left to cure such beliefs, then what. What will happen to the culture and superstition behind the magic of the rhino horn?


Looking at the equation everyone and everything is fighting each other. It’s a pretty dismal negative picture or equation. But is it the truth?


The list can go on and it is so easy to say that our world today is in a downward spiral but through consumerism we create happiness, which essentially is backed by money. There is the rare case where one has no money and is happy. Money a worldwide transaction that dominates everyone’s mind and actions has allowed “man” to triumph over any equation. YOU have the money why not have the rarest and most expensive “black diamond” or the fur coat from the back of a tiger and when your religion curses you with a disease like cancer you don’t give up hope you kill, murder and poach Rhino for their horns and the belief in dire need that it will cure you. The rhino horn has become such a unique commodity, which is only brought by the highest bidder.  There is no stop to this even as science proves that the horns components have effect on humans. People become desperate and it is an alternative to modern science and medicine. It is traditional and healthy but its frowned upon, because it kills innocent animals for such a small part of them.  Therefore cash is king!

Traditional Medicine and culture

In certain countries the rhino horn is used to almost cure everything. It is believed to cure devil possession and keep away all evil spirits, snake poisoning, to remove hallucinations and bewitching nightmares. Continuous administration lightens the body and makes one very robust. For typhoid, headache, and feverish colds. For carbuncles and boils full of pus. For intermittent fevers and expel fear and anxiety, to calm the liver and clear the vision. It is a sedative. If grounded and taken with water it is said to treat violent vomiting, food poisoning, and over dosage of poisonous drugs. For arthritis, melancholia, loss of the voice. Ground up into a paste with water it is given for hematemesis [throat hemorrhage], epistaxis [nosebleeds], rectal bleeding, heavy smallpox, etc.
Because it was believed to provide such a pharmacological bounty, it is perhaps superfluous for rhino horn also to serve as a love potion. :

Organizations have tried to fight for the rhino stating “The rhinoceros is an endangered species. Please use water buffalo horn as a substitute.” Knowing that the buffalo has the same components as the horn.
Taiwanese self-made millionaires are notorious for their conspicuous consumption of rare and exotic wildlife, and the Chinese traditional adage that animals exist primarily for exploitation is nowhere more pronounced than on Taiwan. Most of the rhino horn for sale there comes from South Africa. The demand for Asian horn in particular is increasing and wealthy Taiwanese, aware that prices will rise even higher as rhinoceros numbers decline, are buying it as an investment. In those regions where rhino horn products are dispensed – legally or illegally – the most popular medicines are used for “Curing whatever ails you.”

More specifically in:

Yemen, Middle East: Rhino horn is very sacred and as much part of Yemen’s religious culture today as it was centuries ago. It is a desired commodity amongst young Muslim men. At the age of 12, Yemen boys are presented with a curved dagger called Jambiya, a symbol of a boy’s manhood and devotion to his religion. The dagger’s handle is made from Rhino horn covered with jewels. Despite the 1982 import ban against Rhino horn it still finds its way into Yemen.
China and South East Asia: Rhino horn has a tragic history in the Chinese culture, dating as far back as the 7th century AD. It was made into almost anything, from buttons and hair pins to ceremonial cups. Drinking from these cups was believed to bring good fortune. The most well-known use for Rhino horn is in traditional Chinese Medicine. It is usually ground and boiled or made into a paste, then used as a treatment for gout, rheumatism, fever, hallucinations, vomiting, over dosage of poisonous drugs, snake bite and even devil possession. Contrary to popular notion, it is not so often prescribed as an aphrodisiac or cure for impotency. India, South Korea and Malaysia all share similar beliefs in its medicinal power.
Korea: There are 5 popular oriental medicines made in Korea containing Rhino horn extracts as a key ingredient. These medicines are supposedly a cure for nosebleeds, strokes, comas, high blood pressure and paralysis in one’s face amongst others.