Thursday, April 14, 2011

Creative Rationale

World Wildlife Fund Brief
Terri-Ann Sawyer


My concept for this brief is based around the saying, “Who died and made you God”. This initially came from the idea of Asia “playing God” through their actions upon the world. Therefore God relinquishes all his power to Asia, disgusted in their greed and arrogance as they dominate the world, consuming everything in their path without regard to the consequences. The link to the rhino’s is the tipping point for God who has stood aside and watch man destroy his creation.


My message: Join the World Wildlife Fund today and restore Asia to the path of righteousness. Help save the rhino from extinction.

Audience:  Consumers of rhino horn, therefore rich, power hungry Asian businessmen. As well as this I looked at persuading the general public to start a rumor in order to threaten those on top in Asia.

Print Advertorial:

Through the execution I wanted to portray that the rhino had to die in order for Asia to become God. The advertorial will be placed in the Times magazine where businessmen in Asia will see it. The image used is brutal and graphic to enhance the fact that Asia will stop at nothing to get what they want.

Radio Advertorial:

In the radio advert I wanted to initiate a live news reading of a breaking story that will capture the public worldwide. The newsreaders are American, because the World Wildlife Fund headquarters are in the US. The idea is that the Pope has closed down Catholic Churches around the world. Using a strong religious figure well known by many to get my message across. God has had enough, he is retiring because man just takes and takes, never stopping to think of the future or the brutality of their actions such as slaughtering rhino’s.

Television Advertorial:

In the Television advertorial I carried the same idea through as the radio. Using a live news channel to present the current situation. Again using the Pope to communicate my message of God giving up. Keeping it simple and informative at the same time. Ending the advertorial off with the WWF logo and an announcer. 

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