Thursday, April 14, 2011



News intro song like (Sky or CNN.)

FVO: Today’s news with Jared McCarthy.

MOV: Thanks Tina, we just received breaking news, the Catholic church has closed its doors. The Pope announced in a public statement, “God has given up on mankind because of Asia’s slaughtering of God’s creatures.” Asia’s current eradication of the rhino for its horn is booming. However science has proven the rhino horn to have no effect on humans. The Pope stated, “Since Asia wants to play God, doing and slaughtering what they please, why not let them be God.”

The question now remains, will Asia continue to devour the world’s rhino population or will the masses fight back?

Announcer: Join the World Wildlife Fund today and restore Asia to the path of righteousness.  

Help save the rhino from extinction.


Screen swivels in the “BREAKING NEWS” backdrop. Then fades out.

The two news reporters at their desk.

Female news reporter in front of the Vatican amongst protestors.

Camera shot changes, taking the audience back to the studio and in front of the newsreaders.

Screen with the WWF logo on and all their contact information.

FVO: Today’s news with Jared McCarthy. 

MVO: Thank you Tina. This just in, the Catholic church has closed its doors.  The Pope announced, “God has relinquished all power to man”, permitting Asia to become the ruler of the universe. 
Now live to the Vatican with Wendy.

FOV2: Jared the current situation has spiraled out of control. In the Pope’s recent statement he proclaims, “The decision is based on Asia’s eradication of the rhino for its horn which is used in traditional medicine.” While God abandons humanity, Asia assumes their right to authority. Exploiting the population of rhino’s for a belief proven ineffective to man.

As you can see behind me, crowds are forming, rebelling against Asia’s extermination of the rhino’s. Back to you in the studio.

MVO:  With Asia as God, the world as we know it seems to be disintegrating, starting with the rhino’s. The question is, will the massacre continue, or will people fight back?

ANNCER: Join the World Wildlife Fund today and restore Asia to the path of righteousness.
Help save the rhino from extinction.
Intro song: Dramatic, drums, high paced theatrical Chinese song.

(Soft/background) chanting/yelling
of angry protesters.

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