Saturday, April 2, 2011


Lets play “god”.

Even though we are aware of our own destruction on the planet we still continue. But we do pay for it; we pay permits to pollute and then buy peoples permits so we can pollute some more. We have legislations and rules to stick by for when and where we can kill off animals and sea creatures and suddenly when there’s an overpopulation its too expensive to move the 200 elephants so lets kill them all. Who gave us that right to play god and do what ever we want when it comes to animals. Yes there are the big sponsors doing the right thing and backing animal rights activists but sadly in most cases their background is a huge company taking down half of the Amazon. We are greedy and self-possessive wanting everything in sight. More land, more money, more power. The question is WHY? Why do we exploit our status in the food chain? Always demanding and receiving everything, it actually sickens me to think that one-day it’s all going to run out. Face it fuel prices are rocketing wars are accumulating and resources are plummeting. Relating it back to the rhino it is exactly the same. The fetish and craze for the horn has gotten out of control and all people can think of is the “now”. In maybe 5 years there may not be any rhino’s left to cure such beliefs, then what. What will happen to the culture and superstition behind the magic of the rhino horn?


Looking at the equation everyone and everything is fighting each other. It’s a pretty dismal negative picture or equation. But is it the truth?


The list can go on and it is so easy to say that our world today is in a downward spiral but through consumerism we create happiness, which essentially is backed by money. There is the rare case where one has no money and is happy. Money a worldwide transaction that dominates everyone’s mind and actions has allowed “man” to triumph over any equation. YOU have the money why not have the rarest and most expensive “black diamond” or the fur coat from the back of a tiger and when your religion curses you with a disease like cancer you don’t give up hope you kill, murder and poach Rhino for their horns and the belief in dire need that it will cure you. The rhino horn has become such a unique commodity, which is only brought by the highest bidder.  There is no stop to this even as science proves that the horns components have effect on humans. People become desperate and it is an alternative to modern science and medicine. It is traditional and healthy but its frowned upon, because it kills innocent animals for such a small part of them.  Therefore cash is king!

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